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Few words about casting
The world of casting is totally different than the world of forged iron, where results can be seen at once. When casting, the model is made first- for example- of wax. Doing a unigue piece can takes weeks before casting. Finally, when the original wax model is ready, it is put in plaster. Mould is put into oven, over 700 degrees.Liquid metal is hot, over 1000 degrees. When the wax has burned inside the mould, metal in poured and it replaces the wax. This is the whole idea of casting and it is a mystical moment when I open the mould. If the work is perfect, it really is a moment of joy, but if something has gone wrong, I have to start to think why.. Casting involves endless learning and always just when you think it's going well, you have a problem..."wonderful".


Having exhibitions is my way of showing wrought iron as an artform. Normally this technigue is not thoubht to be art, because traditionally articles of wrought iron have been practical items, such as knives, hinges, locks... I don't look down the trditional role of blacksmith 'cause I do a lot of practical works myself. But exhibitions give new perspective about forged iron geing versatility sculpture.

Gold and silver
  When i was studying, as well as forging and casting I was intrested in gold and silver. Doing goldsmith's work is good counterbalance to smoke and physical work of forging and casting. In goldsmith's work you sit down by the table, start to saw, file, grind, solder and then grind again. The same methods of work are used over and over again, changing to finer and finer sand-paper and finally polishing. Suddenly the metal starts to live: the surface becomes beautifully shiny, as gold and silver should shine.

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Puh: 0400-623 519 Copyright 2005 Tulimetsä